Climate change, and the associated global warming, is already tangible across the country, throughout Europe, and also in faraway places. Everyone senses the danger associated with climate change: long periods of drought with water shortages, storms, and influences on marine currents and glacial melting which are harbingers of serious consequences. Time is running out to do something which can have a positive impact on reducing global warming. This is why our message is: "Climate protection − Today. Now." Everyone, entrepreneurs as well as private individuals, must and can make a contribution to mitigate the causes of climate change. If we do nothing, the consequences of climate change today will mean climate catastrophe for our children and grandchildren.

Climate neutrality in 3 easy steps.
We are committed to climate protection combined with growth and profit for all. Climate protection is an integral part of the value chain.
CO2-balance calculation
- Calculate the CO2 footprint
- Identify emission sources
- Make specific recommendations for reduction
- Select CO2 certificates
- Select UN SDG's
- Support climate conservation projects
- Acquire a certificate with a seal of approval
- Motivate employees
- Establish a more sustainable company
- Reach out to new customer segments
My company should become climate neutral
I would like to learn more about high-quality Gold Standard climate protection projects.
Our catalogue complies with the 17 recognized goals which support sustainable development.
You choose which of the SDGs (UN Sustainable Development Goals) are a high priority. We will provide a customized certificate showing your personal selection with the relevant symbols.
These 17 areas represent the current global challenges that have not been adequately addressed globally by the recognised institutions.
We market and partner with only Gold Standard products.
The 2030 Agenda 2030 establishes the basis for shaping global economic progress compatible with social justice and within the ecological limits of the earth.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) take equal account for all three dimensions of sustainability - social, environmental and economic - for the first time.
At the heart of the agenda is the ambitious catalogue of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Agenda 2030 extends to all countries of the world including: developing countries, emerging markets and industrialised countries. Everyone has a part to play.

The Gold Standard was established as the best practice standard in 2003 by WWF and other international NGOs to ensure that projects which reduce CO2 emissions as part of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the United Nations, can also be implemented as part of the double strategy to promote sustainable development. The Gold Standard is now supported by more than 80 NGOs, and certifies more than 1400 projects in over 80 countries, which create a value of billions of dollars world-wide through climate protection and development measures.
More informationSome examples of Gold Standard Projects
By supporting a climate project certified according to the Gold Standard, you make a direct contribution to climate protection, and assist communities in safeguarding important resources such as energy, clean water, food and education.
Why Climate Extender?
There are many good reasons for working with us.

DIN EN ISO 14064-1
Climate Start meets all requirements for accounting systems and determining greenhouse gas-relevant information.

Initial consultation free of charge
Frank Huschka, with his more than 20 years of energy sector experience, will personally provide you with advice during the first consultation.

Based on recognised standards
The GHG Protocol Standard defines the specifications and instructions for determining the greenhouse gas emissions for companies and other organisations.

The Quality label
You can use the quality label for climate neutrality and sustainability by presenting it on your website, on your emails, letterheads, business cards, etc.

The Certificate
You choose which of the SDGs (UN Sustainable Development Goals) are a high priority. We will provide a customized certificate showing your personal selection with the relevant symbols.

Choice of 1400 climate protection projects in 80 countries available
The Climate Extender certificate with quality label is a product based on the Gold Standard.
The CO2 Footprint Calculator for Companies
The software for creating a climate footprint according to DIN EN ISO 14064-1 and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG) Corporate Accounting Standard
Climate Start meets all requirements for the accounting system and determination of greenhouse gas relevant information according to DIN EN ISO 14064-1 & the Greenhouse Gas Protocol "A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard" for the calculation of a complete Corporate Carbon Footprint for Scopes 1, 2 and 3.
More Information...Your contact person for Carbon Neutral Company
Dipl.-Ing. Frank Huschka
Founder u. TüV Nord Authorized expert
If you have any questions or any special requirements, please feel free to contact me.
You can call me.
+49 5108 8794185
or write me an e-mail.

Have you any questions?
Would you like to find out more about climate protection?
We will be happy to inform you about the benefits of becoming involved!
Phone: +49 5108 8794190
Why is climate protection so important?
How does climate neutrality work?
CO2: Measurement − Reduction − Compensation.
The first thing we do is to measure the CO2 emissions of your business. This climate footprint highlights the sources of your emissions. This enables the identification of measures to reduce or avoid emissions, and recommendations to be made on how to reduce the various sources of energy consumption. The residual CO2 emissions from your business operations can then be compensated for by our organisation. This will then make your company climate neutral and/or climate friendly. And we also issue a certificate to prove this.
Compensating for CO2 emissions is a well-tested and acceptable way for companies to make a contribution to climate protection — because there is simply too little time left for lengthy strategies to be rolled out. With your support, visible and measurable positive effects for the climate and corporate social responsibility are made possible in international, independently-verified climate protection projects. It is important to note: reduction has a higher priority over compensation, but a combination of both can be an effective and sensible option. -
How is a carbon footprint calculated?
Companies: in the first step, the emissions generated by your company are determined and incorporated in a CO2 balance. The most important items here are power consumption, heating consumption, business travel, staff commuting. Depending on the size of the company, other aspects are also added such as water/sewage, paper consumption, residuals, and outsourced services (e.g. external logistics). All of these items are matched to emission factors which enable the CO2 emissions to be calculated item by item, to create an overall balance. The calculations are based on the UN Greenhouse Gas Protocol or the comparable associated national standards (e.g. TÜV).
In addition to climate footprints for companies (CCF, Company Carbon Footprint), there are also footprints for products (PCF, Product Carbon Footprint). -
What is CO2 compensation?
The CO2 emissions determined in your company climate footprint are compensated for as follows: you select climate protection projects, and CO2 certificates for these projects are then used to "smooth out" your CO2 balance. On your behalf, we undertake the procurement, retirement (in other words the cancellation) and the registration of the retirement in a register which is publically accessible at all times (e.g. Markit).
What is verification?
CLIMATE EXTENDER certifies. We give you a certificate which verifies the proper calculation of the climate footprint and the compensation of your emissions in accordance with the regulations. And you also have the option of selecting your UN-SDG goals, the sustainability objectives from various projects. The result − "your" certificate – is posted in your electronic media to demonstrate your commitment to all of your stakeholders.
Additional and voluntary:
You can also have the high quality of our work tested by an independent expert upon request. -
Which climate protection projects are available?
Projects of various kinds are available for the compensation of greenhouse gas emissions. Some projects invest in emission savings by the intensified use of renewable energy sources, others remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere by planting forests, whilst others avoid the emissions of greenhouse gases in industrial processes. The scope of the projects also differs: there are smaller projects operating at a community level, and larger projects which can involve a complete industrial plant.
CLIMATE EXTENDER offers you projects involving biogas, biomass, efficient cookers, energy efficiency, land use and forests, solar, water (treatment & saving), hydroelectric power and wind power generation. -
What are the UN SDG goals, or UN sustainability goals?
The 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) are political goals defined by the United Nations aimed at safeguarding sustainable development at an economic, social and environmental level.
What is the Gold Standard?
In recent years, more and more standards have established themselves in the market for voluntary compensation, and they continue to develop dynamically. International standards such as the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), or the Gold Standard, cover most of the market. The "Gold Standard" stands out above all others. The quality label for climate protection projects in developing countries was developed in 2003 by WWF and 40 other NGOs. The standard defines particularly stringent stipulations with respect to additionality, sustainable development and involvement of local inhabitants, and was originally only applicable to projects concerning renewables, energy efficiency and waste management. The Gold Standard methodology was expanded in 2013 so that land use and forestry projects can also now be certified according to the Gold Standard.
Who is my contact?
After the initial consultation which is free, we then inform you of your contact for the whole duration of the project, covering the offer, the implementation of all the calculations, the compensation, and the completion of your customised certificate and the installation of our label on your electronic media.
Free and non-binding initial consultation?
Yes, according to our philosophy: Today. Now. In this initial consultation, we find out what you have already done, and how complex your company is. This allows us to quickly establish the framework, the procedure, and how much it will cost to certify you as a climate neutral company, or certify one of your products.
We offer a packet solution for small enterprises (maximum 5 employees, maximum 50 t CO2 per year) or start-ups. This incorporates the preparation of the climate balance (part A) and compensation with Gold Standard certificates (part B). For medium and large enterprises, our offer is based on the size of the company with respect to the work involved for part A, and the resulting CO2 volume (part B). The procedure for a Product Carbon Footprint is similar, but involves much more detailed analysis of the production chain, the materials and their emissions.