Seal Of Approval Carbon Neutral Company

Gottron Reinigungsmittel GmbH Budenheim, Aßlar und Wiesbaden supports the following UN goals for sustainable development:

barcode Armut beenden Gesundes Leben für alle Nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum und menschenwürdige Arbeit für alle Ungleichheit verringern Nachhaltige Konsum- und Produktionsweisen Bekämpfung des Klimawandels und seiner Auswirkungen Landökosysteme schützen

Gottron Reinigungsmittel GmbH Budenheim, Aßlar und Wiesbaden

Participant ID: DE-3735-0717

Valid until: 28.08.2024

This certificate guarantees that the reported quantity of 260 tons CO2 has been calculated according to Greenhouse Gas Protocol Standard, scopes 1, 2 and 3. The resulting emissions have been saved in Gold Standard and VCS tested climate projects.

Gottron Reinigungsmittel GmbH Budenheim, Aßlar und Wiesbaden has acquired shares (certificates) in climate protection projects corresponding to the calculated volume of CO2 and therefore plays a transparent part in the realisation of the projects. This ensures that the company compensates for its own CO2 emissions, and thus scales back the rise in global warming.

The projects have been certified, and the issue and closure of the certificates is registered transparently.

Gottron Reinigungsmittel GmbH Budenheim, Aßlar und Wiesbaden is therefore a voluntary participant in emissions trading, and thus makes a contribution to maintaining a viable environment by reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases. The holder of this certificate makes a sustainable contribution to the commitment to tackle global warming.

Dipl.-Ing. Frank Huschka

Gottron Reinigungsmittel GmbH Budenheim, Aßlar und Wiesbaden supporting climate protection projects:

Burn Stoves Project Jikokoa


The BURN Jikokoa Stoves project allows families in rural Kenya to cook food using cleaner, more efficient cook stoves, thereby consuming less charcoal. Communities typically use wood and charcoal to fuel open fires and inefficient cook stoves, creating indoor air pollution, releasing CO2 emissions and creating pressure on local forests. The Burn Stove Project manufactures and distributes the market-leading ‘Jikokoa’ stove locally, employing more than 400 people in sales, manufacturing and distribution – 60% of whom are women.

The stove’s ‘natural draft’ technology reduces fuel consumption by up to 45% and cooking time by up to 50%, saving families up to $300 on fuel a year. In 2015, Burn’s innovative design was recognised by the internationally renowned Ashden sustainability awards.

Category          Standard           
Carbon       |      Gold Standard GS5642

Kikonda Forest Reserve


The project is located 30km south east of the City of Hoima in the catchment of the Kafu River in central Uganda.

The project activity includes an eligible planting area of 7,321 ha complemented by non eligible land and conservation areas of 4861 ha, adding up to a total of 12,182 ha.)

Category          Standard           
Carbon       |      Gold Standard GS2990

ADPML Pacajai Portel-Para REDD Forrest Project


Avoided Deforestation Project (Manaus) Limited (ADPML) 

The project is located within the Amazon, the largest remaining rainforest on our planet. The Amazon is known for its amazing biodiversity; home to 10% of all species, including some endangered species that rely on it for their survival.

According to the Brazilian Ministry of Environment, this area holds a great diversity and abundance of species, not only important for the maintenance of ecological relationships, but also of socio-economic importance such as Brazil nut trees and other noble tree species.

  • Providing training on forest and biodiversity monitoring and management and opportunities to work as a monitoring/enforcement staff.
  • Enhancing community’s organizational capabilities.
  • Providing legal land-ownership rights versus results for conservation.
  • Providing capacity building on steps to gain land use rights over Government owned forests.
  • Providing capacity building in agroforestry techniques and implement agroforestry pilots.
  • Providing capacity building on improved efficiency cook stoves and implement cook stove pilots.
  • Providing capacity building to develop small sustainable business.
  • Providing capacity building to cattle ranchers that move inside the Project Boundary.

The project is contributing to sustainable development: 

  • Stimulate the creation of jobs linked to forest management.
  • Training in forest management.
  • Supports critical biodiversity habitats.
VCS guarantees the transparency and accuracy of carbon accounting and CCB guarantees positive social and environmental benefits. The Gold Level Award is an additional guarantee of the exceptional social and environmental co-benefits of the project.

Category          Standard           
Carbon       |      UNFCCC VCS 981