Seal Of Approval Carbon Neutral Company

EUROPEAN YOUTH PARLIAMENT DENMARK supports the following UN goals for sustainable development:

barcode Gesundes Leben für alle Bildung für alle Gleichstellung der Geschlechter Wasser und Sanitärversorgung für alle Nachhaltige und moderne Energie für alle Nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum und menschenwürdige Arbeit für alle Widerstandsfähige Infrastruktur und nachhaltige Industrialisierung Nachhaltige Städte und Siedlungen Bekämpfung des Klimawandels und seiner Auswirkungen Landökosysteme schützen


Participant ID: DK-1993-1203

Valid until: 03.12.2019

This certificate guarantees that the reported quantity of 14 tons CO2 has been calculated according to Greenhouse Gas Protocol Standard, scopes 1, 2 and 3. The resulting emissions have been saved in Gold Standard tested climate projects.

EUROPEAN YOUTH PARLIAMENT DENMARK has acquired shares (certificates) in climate protection projects corresponding to the calculated volume of CO2 and therefore plays a transparent part in the realisation of the projects. This ensures that the company compensates for its own CO2 emissions, and thus scales back the rise in global warming.

The projects have been certified, and the issue and closure of the certificates is registered transparently.

EUROPEAN YOUTH PARLIAMENT DENMARK is therefore a voluntary participant in emissions trading, and thus makes a contribution to maintaining a viable environment by reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases. The holder of this certificate makes a sustainable contribution to the commitment to tackle global warming.

Dipl.-Ing. Frank Huschka

EUROPEAN YOUTH PARLIAMENT DENMARK supporting climate protection projects:

TOYOLA Cleaner cooking stoves


In Ghana kochen viele Menschen mit Feuerholz und Holzkohle, wodurch hohe Treibhausgasemissionen entstehen. Die Luftverschmutzung in den Räumen führt ausserdem zu negativen Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit, insbesondere bei den Frauen, die das Essen zubereiten. Dieses Projekt teilt effiziente Kochöfen aus, die weniger Holz benötigen und weniger Rauch erzeugen. Dadurch vermindert es Entwaldung und ermöglicht verbesserte Lebensbedingungen.

Ghana ist der grösste Pro-Kopf-Verbraucher von Holzkohle in Westafrika – schätzungsweise 69% aller städtischen Haushalte nutzen diesen Brennstoff.  Alternativen wie Gasöfen sind zwar verfügbar, aber auch so teuer, dass ein Wechsel zu sauberer Energie schwierig wird. 

Dieses Projekt ersetzt die kohlenstoffintensiven Kohletöfen durch brennstoffeffziente, isolierte Öfen, die so genannten Toyola-Kohleöfen. Diese Kohleöfen nutzen gewöhnliche Holzkohle, sind aber bis zu 33% effzienter und verringern die Menge an Holzkohle, die zum Kochen benötigt wird, um ein Vielfaches. Dies mindert auch Kohlendioxidemissionen und Entwaldung. 

Dieses Projekt verbessert auch die Lebensbedingungen der lokalen Bevölkerung. Durch die Nutzung effzienter Kochöfen müssen die Menschen weniger Geld für Brennstoff ausgeben und sind im geringeren Maße gesundheitsschädlichen Luftschadstoffen ausgesetzt. Darüber hinaus haben sie eine schnellere Kochmöglichkeit und es ergeben sich lokale Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten sowie zunehmende Sauberkeit und Komfort in den Häusern.

Toyola-Öfen werden zum Großteil aus Schrott hergestellt, der im Rahmen von Bauprojekten in ganz Ghana gesammelt wird. Das Projekt schafft Arbeitsplätze, fördert Recycling und reduziert Herstellungskosten.

Category          Standard           
Carbon       |      Gold Standard 

Biomass Power Project 20MW at Godawari Power and Ispat Limited


Godawari Power and Ispat Limited (GPIL) has installed a 20MW biomass based power project at Siltara, Raipur. The purpose of the project activity is to generate electricity using renewable biomass residues i.e. rice husk to reduce GHG (CO2) emissions. As biomass is a CO2 neutral fuel, the power produced by the GPIL from renewable biomass will have zero GHG emissions. Also as it is replacing fossil fuel intensive based power generation from Indian grid, thereby results in reducing emissions from such fossil fuels. 

In the project activity, biomass shall be combusted in the boiler for producing high pressure steam to generate 20MW electricity. The total annual generation of electricity from the project activity will be 126.72 GWh. The rice husk will be collected from a radius of 50km from projectsite. The project has obtained the requisite clearances and is commissioned on 01 November 2010.

Government of India has stipulated the following indicators for the sustainable development in the interim approval guidelines for Gold Standard projects. 

Social and Economic wellbeing: The project would lead to generation of direct and indirect employment and improving economic condition of the area. The project activity adds income to the farmers by providing added
economic value to the produce of farmers by procuring rice husk from the rice mills. This will definitely help the
millers to pay better price to the farmers for their paddy crop.
Since the biomass resources are to be collected and transported to the plant site from the fields, opportunities are being generated for the rural people to collect and transport the biomass residues. The rice husk transportation to site will provide employment opportunities to a number of trucks and other similar vehicles will be making trips to project site throughout the year. This will increase the transport related income and employment. The above benefits due to the project activity ensure that the project would contribute to social and economic wellbeing in the region.

Environmental wellbeing: The project activity utilises biomass potential available for power generation, which
otherwise is left un-utilised (left to decay or burnt). Thus it aids in the resource utilization and avoids pollution due to burning / dumping of biomass in nearby areas. Further, project activity replaces part of power generated in the grid using predominantly fossil fuels such as coal, lignite and gas. The project would not result in increase of GHG emissions and cause no negative impact on the environment.

Technological wellbeing: Successful implementation of this project would encourage other promoters to adopt
similar technology in the relevant sector and hence the project leads to technological wellbeing.

Category          Standard           

Carbon       |      Gold Standard 3547

Solar Thermal Power Plant by Godawari 50MW


Description of the project
Godawari Green Energy Limited is implementing a new 50 MW large-scale grid connected solar thermal power project (“Project activity”) in Jaisalmer district, Rajasthan, India. Project activity comprises of state-of-the-art, environment friendly, solar thermal power generation using parabolic trough technology. Project activity comes under the purview of large-scale, solar thermal power technology based project to be implemented in India.

Electricity generated from the project activity will be sent to the Combined Regional grid of India. As a result of commissioning, the gross electricity generation in the project activity is 130,263 MWh/year and the auxiliary electricity consumption in the project activity is 11,397MWh/year. Accordingly this project activity is expected to supply 118,866 MWh net electricity to the grid per year and abates 1,131,600 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide emissions during the crediting period.

Contribution to the Sustainable Development
The project proponent commits 2% of CERs equivalent towards the welfare of local community leading to sustainable development. Contribution of project activities to the sustainable development is discussed below.

Social well-being
a) Project activity would create employment opportunities during construction and operation stages. Such opportunities lead to higher income levels leading to removal of social disparities prevalent in Jaisalmer district in Rajasthan.
b) As the project activity is located in rural areas of combined regional grid, project activity would help in improvement of necessary basic infrastructure, such as roads.

Economic well-being
a)  The project activity would promote the application of solar energy based power generation investment which is a significant investment in a green field project in the region.
b)  Encourage investors to make similar investments in promoting renewable power generation technologies.

Environmental well-being
a)  Project activity has no negative environmental impact as relies on natural solar radiation for power generation technology.
b)  Energy generated by the project activity leads to reduced emission intensity in Combined regional grid which otherwise would have generated from fossil fuel.

Technological well-being
a)  Technology to be used in the project activity would be robust, State-of-the-Art, first-of- its-kind thermal solar power generation technology.
b)  Project activity promotes environmentally safe and sound technology.

Category          Standard           
Carbon       |      Gold Standard