Seal Of Approval Carbon-Positive Company

corporate benefits Group supports the following UN goals for sustainable development:

barcode Armut beenden Gesundes Leben für alle Gleichstellung der Geschlechter Wasser und Sanitärversorgung für alle Nachhaltige und moderne Energie für alle Nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum und menschenwürdige Arbeit für alle Nachhaltige Konsum- und Produktionsweisen Bekämpfung des Klimawandels und seiner Auswirkungen Landökosysteme schützen

corporate benefits Group

Participant ID: DE-3023-0713

Valid until: 15.11.2024

This certificate guarantees that the reported quantity of 740 tons CO2 has been calculated according to Greenhouse Gas Protocol Standard, scopes 1, 2 and 3. The resulting emissions have been saved in Gold Standard and VCS tested climate projects.

corporate benefits Group has acquired shares (certificates) in climate protection projects corresponding to the calculated volume of CO2 and therefore plays a transparent part in the realisation of the projects. This ensures that the company compensates for its own CO2 emissions, and thus scales back the rise in global warming.

The projects have been certified, and the issue and closure of the certificates is registered transparently.

corporate benefits Group is therefore a voluntary participant in emissions trading, and thus makes a contribution to maintaining a viable environment by reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases. The holder of this certificate makes a sustainable contribution to the commitment to tackle global warming.

Carbon-positive: The 370 tons of CO2 identified in the carbon footprint were additionally offset with +100% certificates, i.e. twice. This makes the company carbon positive.

Dipl.-Ing. Frank Huschka

corporate benefits Group supporting climate protection projects:

Burn Stoves Project Jikokoa


The BURN Jikokoa Stoves project allows families in rural Kenya to cook food using cleaner, more efficient cook stoves, thereby consuming less charcoal. Communities typically use wood and charcoal to fuel open fires and inefficient cook stoves, creating indoor air pollution, releasing CO2 emissions and creating pressure on local forests. The Burn Stove Project manufactures and distributes the market-leading ‘Jikokoa’ stove locally, employing more than 400 people in sales, manufacturing and distribution – 60% of whom are women.

The stove’s ‘natural draft’ technology reduces fuel consumption by up to 45% and cooking time by up to 50%, saving families up to $300 on fuel a year. In 2015, Burn’s innovative design was recognised by the internationally renowned Ashden sustainability awards.

Category          Standard           
Carbon       |      Gold Standard GS5642

VPA 204 Sierra Leone Safe Water

Sierra Leone

The Micro-Scale VPA 204 Sierra Leone Safe Water project is eligible under the Gold Standard methodology Technologies and Practices to Displace Decentralized Thermal Energy Consumption Version 1.0. 

The project will support the provision of safe water using borehole technology to hundreds of households within the Republic of Sierra Leone. 
By providing safe water, the project will ensure that households consume less firewood during the process of water purification and as a result there shall be a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from the combustion process.

Category          Standard           
Carbon       |      Gold Standard GS7476/7477

Kikonda Forest Reserve


The project is located 30km south east of the City of Hoima in the catchment of the Kafu River in central Uganda.

The project activity includes an eligible planting area of 7,321 ha complemented by non eligible land and conservation areas of 4861 ha, adding up to a total of 12,182 ha.)

Category          Standard           
Carbon       |      Gold Standard GS2990

Renewable Energy from Biomass, UPPPL, India Andhra Pradesh


Addressing methane emissions and promoting a sustainable use of resources in rural farms

Fueled by poultry litter, this innovative project feeds renewable electricity back to the grid. This displaces electricity from thermal power plants in the Andhra Pradesh region, reducing emissions and supporting the expansion of the renewable energy industry. As the poultry litter is collected rather than left to decay in open fields, odour and sanitation are improved for the local villages, while job opportunities provided by the plant help boost the economy.

The Context 
Prior to the project, litter from the local poultry industry was dumped in landfill pits near the farms, which resulted in methane being released freely into the atmosphere. In the first two decades after its release, methane is 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide in terms of heating up the atmosphere. This project is connected to the Southern Regional Electricity Grid of India, which is dominated by thermal power plants. 

The Project 
The project involves installing a 7.5 MW capacity generator to burn poultry and biomass waste, including litter and rice husks, that will be collected from local farms. Besides the small internal consumption, the energy will be exported to the grid. 

The Benefits 
By feeding into the grid, the project displaces electricity generated from fossil fuels, thus avoiding the associated emissions. In addition, it helps to avoid the methane emissions arising from poultry waste being disposed of in anaerobic lagoons in the surrounding fields. This improves the environment, in terms of sanitation and odor for the nearby villages resulting in better health and living conditions. The project also creates a number of job opportunities, a share of which goes to the local communities, boosting the regional economy, while training provides staff with skills that could help other renewable energy projects flourish 

Category          Standard           
Carbon       |      Gold Standard 3072



The proposed project activity is renewable biomass based power generation project activity.
The generated power is sold to Indian grid.
In absence of the project activity equivalent power would have been generated by grid connected power plants leading to GHG emission.

Category          Standard           
Carbon       |      Gold Standard GS6607